About Us
Established in 2021, we started our physical therapy practice to press against and beyond conventional physical therapy practices by encouraging less in clinic visits, an increase rate of recovery, and a hope for an active life better than when you first walked in.
Meet Our Team
Marco Lopez Founder
Marco brings a unique approach in which he combines manual therapy with exercise to help eliminate pain and improve the way you move. He is passionate about teaching you how to take care of your body so the injury will never happen again. Marco earned his B.S in Human Biology with an emphasis in applied physiology from The University of Southern California. While getting his bachelors, Marco was a student athletic training for 3 years for the USC football, volleyball and baseball teams. Upon graduation from his bachelors, he went on to get his Doctor of Physical Therapy from USC, the number one physical therapy program in the country. Marco previously worked at Beach Cities Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for 4 years in which he’s worked with patients recovering from rotator cuff surgery to knee replacement surgery. Marco is passionate about teaching you how to address your pain and learn how to take care of it through movement and exercise.